Oil of Gladness

Mike Charleston

According to Hebrews 1:9 and Psalm 45:7, Jesus is anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows.  He was the most joyful, glad, thankful, happy person that ever lived.  Yes, he was the man of sorrows also, but I believe that was when he was taking our sin to the cross. (Isaiah 53) He lived a pure and holy life, not touched by sin.  We can’t even imagine a life like that.  We can taste a little bit of that down here now that we are freed from sin and alive unto God.  But, to know a whole life without sin would be amazing!  Jesus came to set us free and to give us life!

At Bible study the other day, we were discussing if we could walk closer to the Lord than Adam did in the garden. …

10 reasons to unplug from the Movie and Television Industry.

10 reasons to unplug from the Movie and Television Industry.

  1. Every movie/show is an advertisement for a certain lifestyle, and advertising works.
  2. The vast majority of what the movie industry puts out is morally evil.
  3. If you watch television, your children will do the same when they grow up.
  4. Time is precious, and the average American spends 34 hours per week in front of a television.
  5. Christians are supposed to focus upon things that are good, holy, and true.
  6. Television is a direct link between your family and the world.
  7. The vast majority of people involved in the movie industry do not fear God.
  8. Hollywood has a strategic agenda to destroy biblical principles regarding things such as marriage, family, and purity.

I Want That!!! (Or Do I?)

Mike Charleston

About thirty years ago there lived a young man who had given his life over to the “hippie movement”. He had no desire for God or to walk after the Lord. But, his life and desires were about to change. When the gospel went out this “young hippie” believed and received it with joy. There were some problems for the “young hippie” though. He was still who he was. He still had the long hair, the “far out” clothes, and so on. He knew that those were not salvation issues, but he knew that was not what he was to act like. Then the young christian and his wife started to have children. They were so excited to raise up a godly seed to the Lord.…

Get Rid of the Coffee Table!

Mike Charleston

In all my travels, I’ve been in many houses. Once inside, I like to do scientific observation. OK, so maybe it’s not scientific, but I do observe many things. You can tell a lot about a family just by looking around for a little while. You can usually guess what goes on in the house and what is important to the family just by observing. I like to look at the layout of the house, pictures on the wall, how nice or expensive things are, if the house is clean and well organized, etc. As I stand in the “living or family” room, I am amazed at how uncreative people are. For the most part, all the “living” rooms look alike.…